It’s hard to overstate the importance of Lobster_pro – particularly from an organisational perspective. We save so much time and can access the data immediately as the software autopopulates four or five different programs at once. And, Working with Lobster_pro is a lot of fun as it’s so easy to use.

Stefan Grabner,
Corporate IT, Alcar Wheels


Alcar Wheels is an international group of companies making steel/alloy wheels, tyres and tyre pressure monitoring systems with 28 businesses in 16 European countries.

Despite its size and expertise, the company was struggling with inconsistent integration of its systems, data and businesses. The group wasn’t even able to access live inventory levels. Although Alcar had tried to address these issues, it had only managed to increase the number of stopgap solutions programmed in-house and increased the number of its internal programming languages. Data was also still stored in Excel tables.

Once Alcar Wheels decided to use Lobster_pro, it was quickly able to eliminate these difficulties. For a start, the software was only installed on one dedicated server and not on individual computers. This means the tool is now exclusively browser based. By automating overviews of orders, invoices and tracking links the company has also seen a significant improvement in operational transparency. Furthermore, on-site, remote data entry, real-time picking, drag & drop imports and the ability to seamlessly convert all manner of data formats has streamlined the business. The customer experience has also been greatly improved thanks to a new portal where customers can communicate with Alcar directly.

Alcar employees have seen significant benefits from working with Lobster_pro – ranging from intuitive menu navigation, clear structures and e2e software documentation

  • International corporate group for steel wheels and alloy wheels, tire pressure systems, tires and complete wheels
  • Europe’s automotive aftermarket leader with 28 group companies in 16 European countries
  • 790 employees
  • No system, data or business integration for live inventories, price lists, orders etc.
  • Continually shifting goalposts
  • Numerous in-house programs in various programming languages
  • Use of excel sheets
  • Lobster_pro installed on in-house server with subsequent browser-only access; eliminating the need for individual computer installation
  • Enhanced transparency through automated order, invoicing and tracking overviews, etc.
  • Straightforward integration of software via web services
  • Easy to use for employees thanks to user-friendly menu navigation, clear structures and comprehensive documentation
  • Seamless integration of customers with Lobster_pro portal
  • Mobile on-site data collection in real time, drag&drop importing, easy data conversions

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