Our ESG initiatives

At Lobster, we integrate ESG in all areas of our business for a more sustainable future. Our vision is clear: sustainable innovation for a better tomorrow. Learn more about our commitment and our projects.

Our four ESG pillars

Lobster is centred around four key ESG areas. Driven by clear annual targets and an ambitious long-term vision, we want to be the change we wish to see in the world.

Reducing our environmental footprint

Our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and electronic waste is at the core of our sustainability strategy. We carry out ongoing data collection and analysis on our electronic waste and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and have set ambitious reduction targets accordingly. We aim to be net zero by 2030 by reducing or – only if this is not possible – offsetting our GHG emissions, using 100% renewable energy in all areas, and eliminating electronic waste through a circular economy. These measures are essential to protecting the environment for future generations and encouraging a sustainable economy.

Supporting the green transition

No data – no green transition. This is why we have created a comprehensive data strategy to help customers achieve their ESG goals. Accurate data collection is indispensable for making sustainable decisions and measuring progress.

Our solutions optimise ESG KPIs and prepare organisations for obligatory ESG reporting as of 2025. We use state-of-the-art technology and solid specialist expertise to help our customers achieve their sustainability goals.

Ask us about our customisable data strategies for achieving your ESG goals.

Fostering a diverse and fair working environment

We are committed to our social and governance targets and strive to close the gender gap and create a diverse, inclusive working environment. We foster an environment that nurtures talent and personal development, and have set ambitious targets, including implementing valuable eNPS tracking feedback, achieving a high employee retention rate and offering a variety of development opportunities.

Being a reliable business partner

Our commitment to stringent data governance is reflected in our adherence to GDPR and the relevant ISO certifications (27001, 27018). In 2023, we met all regulatory requirements, incorporated ESG in every board meeting, and ensured that all employees and new business partners signed our code of conduct, which committed them to our values and ethical action. Our governance guidelines and corporate governance training programme adhere to the highest standards. We plan to build on these standards in 2024 to further cement our pioneering role in data governance.

Case studies.


The steel industry is responsible for 7% of global CO2 emissions. Discover how Becker Stahl-Service GmbH disclosed and successfully reduced the CO2 footprint of its product range.


Discover how Südwolle Group improved the transparency and sustainability of its complex production chain with a little help from Lobster.


Energy-intensive industries like salt production rely on efficiency and transparency to improve their environmental footprint. See how Salinen Austria used Lobster to build an agile and predictive electricity price monitoring system to cut costs.

More information.

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