Communication Channels

Communication Channels explained for Non-Developers.

the essentials in brief:

  • Communication channels are essential for transferring data and are based on several protocols, including SMTP, HTTP, and FTP, to enable efficient sharing of all data formats across various platforms.
  • Communication channels work in a similar way to postal delivery: information is bundled into packets and given a unique IP address to make sure it is transmitted correctly.
  • In this article, you will learn how communication channels work and how to use Lobster_data to help transfer data within your company, improve collaboration, deliver higher data quality and achieve faster response times.



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What are communication channels?

A communication channel is needed to transfer data between communication partners technically. Different protocols can be used for this process. The most well-known is e-mail, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Conversely, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is one of the most integral and frequently used protocols. Not only is it used for loading and displaying web pages in the browser, but it is also used for general data transmission and communication. HTTP(S) is a particularly popular choice for new APIs. Other frequently used communication channels include Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP). Some older protocols offer a secure version, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Newer protocols already utilise authentication and encryption methods and certificates that guarantee a certain level of security.

How do communication channels work?

A communication channel is not a data format but is simply a way of transmitting data. Therefore, the above protocols, for example, can be used to transmit a myriad of formats, including .json, .xml, .txt, and .pdf can be used to transmit information. Protocols are independent of the platform used by the sender or receiver of the message as well as their network connection, which can be mobile or stationary. Data is transmitted regardless of which hardware components or operating systems are used. To be communicated via the internet, data is bundled and given the unique IP address of the recipient – a process that is not dissimilar to traditional postal delivery.


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Where does Lobster come in?

As an interface between communication channels, Lobster_data can use all common protocols for transmitting data both on the input side (data source) and the output side (data sink). Oftentimes, this very interface causes technical difficulties between companies, partners, organisations, and internal company departments involved (administration, marketing, warehouse, etc.). This is why Lobster has created a solution that offers maximum compatibility and ensures optimal communication with two basic possibilities for this process:

Event-driven A Lobster_data profile is triggered when a message is received from a communication partner via a supported transmission protocol. The message sender benefits from this option because their data is processed as soon as it reaches the recipient. The recipient, in turn, has the advantage of not needing to regularly, manually check whether new data has been received. The process is triggered immediately. This is an excellent option if information needs to be forwarded or processed immediately, for example, when sending barcode labels directly to a terminal device, such as a printer.

Time-driven The Lobster_data profile is triggered at set intervals. This can be every 60 minutes, for example, but can also follow any other schedule, such as once a day or only on Mondays and Thursdays. This is useful when a client wants a daily summary of all data received during the day.

Lobster_data is incredibly flexible and can quickly and easily connect with all manner of communication partners to exchange data. This enhanced digital communication, in turn, improves collaboration between all participants, increases data quality, and enables faster response times.

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